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Contrato de servicio de hardware

Las ventajas de un vistazo

Con nuestro contrato de hardware, su dispositivo será revisado y mantenido para que funcione bien. Estamos a su disposición para ayudarle por teléfono, correo electrónico o sesión remota. Como opción adicional, ofrecemos asistencia rápida in situ en caso de avería del sistema o de traslados planificados. Con un precio fijo para el mantenimiento y la revisión, sus sistemas cumplirán los requisitos de gestión de calidad más exigentes y garantizarán así la producción y el procesamiento de productos de impresión impecables.

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Icon Quality Management


Maintenance and documentation for quality management purposes.

Icon risk minimization


Risk minimization by reducing system downtime.

Icon Hardware Wartung


Clarification of hardware defects before the maintenance date.

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Get the support you need

Our application & service technicians support you in all hardware questions, system failures or relocation of peripherals. We support you in keeping your systems up to date and adapting inspection parameters to new requirements.

  • Technical service via email, hotline or remote session
  • Regular maintenance of the entire system periphery
  • On-site support for periphery relocation
  • Adaptation of parameter sets to new product requirements
Print Inspection Service
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EyeC Service Kalibrierungsetikett

Inspection systems tested by experts

In order to ensure regular maintenance of all system parts and to guarantee operation and excellent quality, EyeC has developed a special label. Regular system maintenance extends the product life of the inspection solutions and allows you to be sure of product certification at all times.

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Support and Services

Get the best out of your EyeC systems. Our application & service technicians also support you in integrating the inspection systems into your production processes and ensure that your optical and mechanical systems are always up to date. Get fast and expert support when you need it - from installation through the entire product life cycle.

Contact us to learn more

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