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Crucial for the correct use of a medicine or product, patient information leaflets or inserts printed in tiny fonts on both sides of very lightweight stock material represent the single most difficult challenge even for the most dedicated human proof-reader. Any meaningful manual inspection may take hours to complete, especially if a variety of different languages are involved. Luckily EyeC has the solution to inspect print inserts in just minutes, and ensure the design, production and delivery of high quality, error-free leaflets.

Our systems are suitable for inspecting all types of leaflets including patient information leaflets (PILs), leaflet booklets, leaflet labels, inserts or outserts. They help pharmaceutical companies, brand owners, design agencies and print shops proof content, avoid mix-ups or recalls, save time and waste, as well as reduce the cost of quality.

From the first artwork to the final printed insert, EyeC inspection systems provide total control over your leaflet quality: during artwork design and revisions with the EyeC Proofiler Content, at pre-press with the EyeC Proofiler Graphic, at press make-ready or incoming material verification with the EyeC Proofiler, and during the production run on a press with the EyeC ProofRunner Web.

Unlike any other system on the market, EyeC print inspection systems automatically suppress artefacts from the backside image bleeding through the stock material even for 35 gsm paper. They find the tiniest deviations without overwhelming the operator with lots of pseudo-defects. Tiny fonts, any language, any alphabet - nothing gets by.

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