Fields of Application of the Inspection Systems for Flexible Packaging
Our systems are suitable for all types of flexible packaging. They help brand owners, pharmaceutical companies, print shops and design agencies to avoid mix-ups and recalls, reduce time and material waste, and lower quality costs.

Overview of the Various EyeC Software Solutions
Along the entire production cycle, EyeC's inspection systems ensure full quality control from artwork creation to pre-press, print approval, and incoming goods inspection. Various software systems also carry out constant control during production and finishing.
Artwork and Pre-Press Inspection
The first step towards error-free flexible packaging is artwork creation. As early as this step in the process, you use EyeC Proofiler Content to check the final artwork of the flexible packaging. The software reviews editable and vectorized texts and layouts – and does so very conveniently in PDF form. Barcodes and braille can also be proofed in this way. The check is performed in a single operation, which speeds up the approval process.
In the next step, the pre-press stage, the EyeC Proofiler Graphic comes into play: This allows you to detect errors in your print files before the printing plates are created. This inspection is also carried out in PDF format. You create any number of inspection procedures within the workflow, for example, to compare pre-press files with customer files or different file versions with each other. It can also be integrated into various systems using EyeC Workflow Integration.
Offline Inspection Systems
In just one inspection process, the printout from the press or the sample from the incoming goods department is compared to the approved artwork. To do this, you simply feed the print template and the proof sample into the high-resolution scanner, and all relevant errors are reliably detected, such as missing or misprinted letters, missing ink, and spots, as well as font mix-up and missing special characters.
If you choose the EyeC Proofiler 900 - 1700 DT, you will benefit from an even faster sample inspection of your flexible packaging in half or large format. Defects are detected at twice the speed and can be corrected even faster. In addition, measuring sections can be examined simultaneously with the same device, for extra flexibility. This allows you to randomly check several printing machines/presses during the printing process. In the area of incoming and outgoing goods inspection, printing defects are also detected in the shortest possible time.
Inline Inspection Systems
The inline inspection takes place directly at the printing press or finishing machine: Here, the entire print web is compared with the customer's artwork so that you also have perfect quality control during finishing.
With the EyeC Proofrunner Web, you thus inspect the flexible packaging as roll goods and do not need a visual inspection.
With EyeC Quality Link, you use the inspection system on both the press and the rewinder, so you no longer need two different inspection systems. First, the data from the press is checked and evaluated on a workstation. In the next step, you use the approved inspection results to then remove the defective flexible packaging on the rewinder. During the inspection process, all usable flexible labels are counted and recorded at the same time: This guarantees that exactly the required number is printed.