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Print Ready Approval

The EyeC Proofiler Graphic is a prepress inspection system that secures prepress processes and ensures the production of error-free press-ready files. By detecting errors before the press plates are produced, prepress studios and companies can be sure that they will not produce a perfect print job with the wrong artwork!

This PDF proofing system digitally compares two versions of a file, typically the print-ready file or the step-and-repeat file against the approved artwork. The operator can then check content integrity easily and make sure that no errors or unintentional changes have been made at prepress.

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Avoid Costly Catastrophic Production Issues

With EyeC Proofiler Graphic print shops will stop wasting expensive consumables and valuable machine time because of problems that could have been detected at prepress. With the EyeC Proofiler Graphic, incorrect press-ready files are detected before producing plates and no longer cause costly reprints or product recalls. Clients messages are delivered properly and their satisfaction guaranteed.

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Perform a Complete Content Check Easily

EyeC Proofiler Graphic verifies the entire content of print-ready files or step-and-repeat files against the approved artwork. This intelligent proofing software detects all items on a PDF file automatically and inspects the complete content graphically. Texts, graphics, Braille, 1D and 2D Codes are checked in a single inspection cycle. All potential differences between two files are pinpointed with great precision.

The EyeC Proofiler Graphic identifies all types of differences. For instance, it avoids version mix-up and makes sure that text or graphics have not been unintentionally deleted, shifted or added. It detects swapped or missing fonts, incorrect transparencies and color deviations.

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Check Press-ready Files in just a Few Minutes

Productivity is the key to facing the increasing competition and improving the bottom line. By reducing proofreading times drastically, the EyeC Proofiler Graphic helps prepress studios and companies save a valuable time.

In just a few minutes, this prepress proofing software performs a complete content check of print-ready or step-and-repeat files. Its great accuracy enables an early detection and correction of errors, preventing them to spread along the printing process. As a result, jobs are proofed and processed quicker, letting the prepress operator free to start with the next job.

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Info Box

You want to know more about EyeC Proofiler Graphic? Simply download the brochure.

Proofiler Graphic Brochure

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Ashley Madden

EyeC America

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What characterises the EyeC PDF comparison system for print ready approval?

The EyeC Proofiler Graphic PDF comparison system is an inspection system that is used during the pre-press stage. It digitally compares the previously approved graphic with the print-ready or step-and-repeat file in order to identify incorrect representations or unwanted changes. In this way, the PDF comparison system guarantees that only perfect files are sent for final printing.

What are the benefits of EyeC's PDF comparison system?

EyeC's PDF comparison system offers various advantages, especially in terms of print quality. This is because the checking system compares the print-ready file with a previously approved file – before printing. This prevents errors from making their way into the final product, resulting in costly reprints. Without such a system, this would have to be done manually, which not only slows down the process significantly, but also increases the risk of misjudgements.

How does EyeC's PDF comparison system increase customer satisfaction?

By implementing EyeC's PDF comparison system, you can increase customer satisfaction by improving print quality and reducing waiting times. This is because printing errors are not only annoying, but in the worst case can even have legal consequences, for example on labels or package inserts. A long printing process can in turn lead to losses for your customers.

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